Wednesday 19 October 2011

Music Video Pitch

As part of Assignment3: Music Video Unit you are awarded individual marks for research & planning. Each member of the group should therefore ensure that they contribute in generating ideas for the music video. The first task you have to complete, for the planning section of the coursework, is to create a detailed pitch for your music video and present it back to the class as a PowerPoint presentation.
*Please include images in your presentation.
Section 1
·         Title of Song/Artist
·         Genre of music/ genre conventions that will be evident in your video/ genre conventions that you will develop or challenge.
·         Target audience
Section 2
·         Will your video be narrative or performance based or both?
·         Outline the narrative/themes of the music video
·         Locations/ settings
Section 3
·         What is your artist/band star image? (How will they be styled /dressed?) Will they reinforce or challenge any stereotypes?
·         Which record company will they be signed to and why?
·         Which channels will the music video be played on?
Deadline: Thursday 3rd November (the presentations will take place on the first Friday back after half term).

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