Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Music Video Checklist

Research Tasks
  1. The key conventions of music videos
  2. Analysis of a music video
  3. Star image analysis
Each member of the group will need to complete the research tasks listed above. However, the following 4 planning tasks will need to be divided up and shared between the group.

Planning Tasks
  1. Create a pitch (this will be in a form of a presentation and each member of the group will participate - detatiled worksheets will be provided for this task)
  2. Annotation of lyrics
  3. props/ location list/ shooting schedule
  4. Storyboard
The DEADLINE for the RESEARCH  and PLANNING tasks is Friday 21st October

Production Task

  1. Film and edit a 3-4 minute music video
  2. Evaluate your music video (800 words) each member of the group should produce their own evaluation.

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